Introspection 2/2


Talking is so much easier that doing, I got myself into a tizzy with yesterday’s post about introspection and tried my best to start the process – Life as usual got in the way and so I took a timeout , thought very carefully about how I should start and today I managed to get it done.What I learned:

Me Time – You need time to think and not be interrupted – for me I find it’s either taking a walk in the morning or sitting on my sofa sipping my espresso. The essential element is that you cannot be interrupted. To make it a habit I am going to do it the same time every day.
Ask Yourself Questions – Got into “me time” mode now it’s time to ask yourself questions that might be challenging to answer. Some of these questions are open ended and I was quite surprised at my own answers.
For starters, I asked myself:
• What do I love about myself the most?
• What am I passionate about?
• What makes me angry?
• If I had all the money in the world how would I spend my time?
Well these were enough to set me on my journey – I think each of us should create our own set of questions to reflect what is most important to them – Easy method – ask yourself – What do I want to know more about myself.
No Judgement – Yes your answers have the potential to shock or amuse you. The answers are yours and only yours – They are a part of you and you have to remember not to judge yourself based on them. It will take time for you to get used to it, but remember to answer truthfully to make this experience worthwhile.
Write it down – I keep my answers on a journal – I would love to go back, look at them and see how my thoughts have changed. For me, it took a few hours for me to change /add to my answers, leaving me to reflect on how we assume that we are what we are isn’t really true at all.
Repeat – Once I finished with my initial set of question, I had a look at them in the evening and added a few more points and removed some more after some reflection. Next time around I am a few more questions I want to think about and I hope that this routine will help me gain the self-knowledge I want.

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