Friday thoughts

People have issues. Ok!! I agree I am being rude. However having said that I have being in situations where you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have seen and come across many loved ones, friends, acquaintances, strangers to believe and imagine rather assume total bullshit about others and me, unwillingly to investigate the facts and walk away feeling convinced without a question. As a result this leads to pain, alienation, suffering, low morale, hurt, agony and so on..

Your judging the other person (victims) who according to you are not worthy of loving or even understanding but they are left sheltering their insecurities and fears in a shell. Some of us can be doing this involuntary without realizing it.

So, please pay a lot of attention to your words. Words have a lasting ripple effect. Listen first, then speak.

Be Kind. Laugh it off, but don’t always have to carry a chip on your shoulder.


The Boiling Frog Syndrome

Human Beings and frogs are the two creatures in nature who have tremendous power to adjust. Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore. At that point the frog decides to jump out. The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so, because it lost all its strength in adjusting with the water temperature. Very soon the frog dies.

What killed the frog? Many of us would say the boiling water. But the truth is what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when it had to jump out.

We all need to adjust with people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to face. There are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action. If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally or financially, they will continue to do so. We have to decide when to jump. Let us jump while we still have the strength.FROG

Saturday Whirling Thoughts

If something is not working out for you, it is because of yourself:

Do not depend on others for your happiness, it will probably make you happy temporarily or because that so called factor is there or can be there for the time being. However if you take control, learn to use your time, your ideas and your experiences to create more of you and a better you. Do not let others think for you or decide for you. Respect your instincts and do what will make you happy. Studying, watching a movie, Driving, Eating, Travelling – anything you want to do in Your Zone! Do not think for a minute that you can depend or consider someone else to make you happy. It is not they job to do so. The more time you waste thinking how it is and how it could have been you are weighing yourself down. And if no one has time for you or doesn’t even consider being in your shoes then, go ahead and do what you have to do to accomplish it!

There is nothing like the perfect moment, unless it is created by us, for us or with us. It’s what you make out of things, places, memories, that make them perfect. You cannot wait for the right planet or star to be aligned in order for you to start something or end it. (Although we think that way – me too sometimes…) Everything is related with your will and your power to do it. No one or nothing is perfect on the contrary we all are full of imperfections – so use your imperfections to make things perfect. Perfect moments are just a myth. Create your own!!

We all hate someone or something, or maybe “hate” is a strong word, maybe I should put it as Dislike, well if you do then do not waste your brain and heart over it. Try and eliminate, disconnect! Not the other way around snoop around Facebook or sneak thru Friends of Friends to see who is where and with whom. Do you really care? Does it really make you sleep better? Why do people care more about people they dislike then about people they should be confirming they love and friendships and relations with. Just a thought!! Sometimes we hear so much ill about certain people that for no reason of ours we simply put our head and heart to it and harbor feelings of hate and it eventually gets the best of us.

Easier said than done – I agree!

We can never seem to bring back missed opportunities however, we can do a lot about the ones to come. “Let Go”! Some things and some people are better as “bygones” Let’s not pretend we are ok and we can have everything our way – cox that is just not true! Simply appreciate what you have and look at the ones who do not and feel blessed and wonderful.

None of this will really matter five years from now. Your anxious worries and fears were all unproven. So focus on right now. You are and can be a happy and prolific person.

We all have bad days – Trust me we do! Adjust your days and your moods yourself. Do not dwell on them and make them seem like never ending. Cox no one will or can fix it for you. Times may seem inescapable; however you will proceed to the next step and the next one and so on.

Material and Physical comforts cannot make you feel happy for a long time, unless your mind is at peace. Yes it can distract you for the moment, and when that moment has vanished, you will be back in your land of unhappiness. We humans usually find it challenging to decipher between the two, being happy in the present state just for the sake of being happy or being content for a longer period of your life.

The art of trying to make everything work peacefully around you is extremely demanding. However, if you start with one person closest to you or the one thing important to you perhaps it won’t be so taxing on you.

whirling Sat

Thank You My Valentines..

I must say so far every year this time around I have been lucky enough to have such thoughtful, wonderful people in my life, who not only remember to wish me, call me but also send me lots and lots of love – everything from Flowers, to chocolates, to CAKEs, to cookies, to Cake POPS, cards (just love those handwritten notes -something that I can treasure and cherish even, long after the flowers have withered away and after I am done with all the goodies… (All that sugar… !!!)

01-2013-02-025 03-2013-02-02704-2013-02-028 05-2013-02-030 06-2013-02-018 07-2013-02-02108-2013-02-036 09-2013-02-037 10-2013-02-038I just had to wait a couple of days before  I could thank everyone and just in case there were some Post Valentine arrivals 😉 … which to my surprise…. 

11-Thank u

I am very thankful to all of you for making me feel so special Pre, On and Post Valentine and also grateful for all these years of knowing each one of you… in person..  “Touchwoood”…(just had to do that)…

Real Life Pics

I spotted this old man at the beach the other day and it just caught my eye, luckily i was carrying my cannon and i captured “that age is just a number – and no matter what if we want, if we can try, we can do a lot of things”.

A picture always says a thousand words and its upto you to depict its meaning..

I really hope to shoot some more real life pics and post them soon.. Till then have a Great Monday Guys!!

Only once in your life

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you.

When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.

There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all.

A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you.

You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you.

You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile.

Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”  ―    Bob Marley

Life in a Moment

Times when you stop to think wonder what I am doing, where I am, and what I should be doing or where I should be – all those moments.. to love /to be loved /making the most of your moments together /having a good time… These feelings sometimes, you wish they would just go away however hard you try they stick to you like a dreadful worm even after you wish it wouldn’t…

Yes, sometimes we all feel that way..

But that’s what makes this life so precious, so beautiful and that’s why I call it “Life in a Moment”. We all have to lose something in order to gain something else, we choose to live in the moments that fill up our soul for just that moment and we can live forever just thinking or looking back at those moments (One of the reasons I take a lot of pictures..) This way I can store them and look back at them and recall those moments… of course it could be from anything silly, fun, family, friends and lots of crazy times…

A minor thing like when I was all set for the MDNA concert, my friends encouraged me here in Kuwait to go for the MDNA show and once I was there, I didn’t feel away from home for the same reason I had so many memorable moments with all my supportive friends and family there and a brilliant week after that too and then I have friends here who wondered when will I be back in the country (all thanks to FB and What’s app) and once I am back – I am happy to be here again..

All these moments without any doubt , show me that Life is as wonderful as you make it and : “You do not need for someone to give you permission to do what will make you live more fully and healthfully.”

Hope these days of summer, that are here, be filled be lots of sunshine, lots of love, lots of happiness, new adventures, new experiences, new bondings and lots of fun for your family.

Happy Holidays 🙂

Children Full of Life

Good Teachers connect theory with life. Please take the time to watch these videos for “Children Full of Life”. There are in five parts.

In this award winning documentary, Mr. Kanamori, a Japanese teacher – teaches his children how to be compassionate, determined, thankful, everything about life, most importantly “to be happy”. A very unique way to teach, approach and connect with these little souls. He encourages the the 4th graders to write and talk about their inner feelings and share it with the classroom, this helps the children to realise the importance of caring for one another. Allow your children to care for they friends – no matter if they are in the same school, class, activity, bus, building or even community.

Just like the family is a very fundamental part of the child, so are their early years in school and role the teachers play in their lives. We can shelter our children from disappointments, however we should also let them be a part of them, by sharing them, talking about them, acknowledging them. If you do not face the disappointments of life with them now, they future disappointments will be more devastating.

Some things happen only once in a lifetime, try to avail every opportunity and live the moment if the moment makes you happy and teach the same to your children… It is absolutely alright to be naughty but be nice and be safe. Kids – you can crack jokes and be funny however do not crack jokes or bully other children. Let the children share they opinion not that of they mother’s or father’s..

Part 1/5 –

Part 2/5 –

Part 3/5 –

Part 4/5 –

Part 5/5 – (very touching!!)

Remember, they are children they will complain, misbehave, argue, make stupid faces… as long as deep down their know the values of respect, bonding with they old and new mates, making efforts is all that counts.. Hope it was worth sharing the videos!!

How to argue fairly

“The most important thing for a good relationship is to learn how to argue peaceably”

Disagreements are a part of human nature and though they can be tiring at times, if they are handled properly they can be settled with no long term damage to a relationship. Almost always, it is not topic of the argument but lack of any ground rules that make things spiral out of control.

First and foremost is the way you approach an argument, an argument occurs when two people have differing opinions on a topic, each believing that they are right. Unfortunately people approach the argument looking for control or for staking their claim to be right rather than looking for a resolution where all parties are heard and opinions debated. Remember this is a relationship not a full body contact sport like wrestling where there has to be a clear winner.

Some specific points to follow are:

Privacy matters – No arguing in public, the argument is between the two of you and that is where it remains.

The past is the past – We all have made mistakes, an argument is not the right time to bring them up. Keep the argument relevant – old grudges should be left out

Don’t make it personal – Stay focused on the topic, you have an issue and sort it out – Don’t start on personal traits, if it is relevant to the topic, then approach it in a different manner that shows how you are affected by it rather than exclaim the personality trait over and over.

Is anybody listening ?– Make an effort and listen to what your partner is trying to say – sure you might think that it has all been said before and you know what it’s all about but you really might not have a clue. Besides it lets the other person vent, and perhaps that it what is really required.

Graceful exits – The ending of an argument is critical to a relationship, notice if your partner is trying to end the argument and accept it – It could be in the form of a joke in the middle of an argument or an action such as walking back into an argument they just ran out on.

Importance scale– People disagree all the time, is everything you disagree about that important to you  that you need to get mad all the time or is it something that you can let slide and leave it for the important stuff.

Watch the clock – It is an argument not a war – there has to be a time limit – If you feel that you are going around in circles, let it go and cool down. Come back to it another time.

Communication is the key in any relationship and it is the lack of it that causes friction.

People tend not to speak when something small upsets them under the guise of not wanting to create issues but these small things tend to build up resentment in one and usually an extremely small incident occurs that causes your partner to face the full wrath of your fury.  At this point the other person is wondering what was that important that caused all this to happen and blames you back for getting mad all the time . So next time don’t let things build up and explode – Talk people ! Talk!

And most importantly prioritise, and do not sweep it under the rug!

“Must Recycle”

I normally do not post about events happening in Kuwait cox I believe the news gets around anyway however, if someone would benefit or make a suggestion to me about posting it – I WOULD!

I have always had a hard time throwing stuff out, esp if I feel it can be reused or recycled – but the matter of the fact is, do I get around doing anything about it? Hmnnnn – NOPE!

However, after having attended RESUSE 5.0 last month at the ACK at Mishref which was geared towards eco-friendly living, I am more inclined towards actually reusing my stuff or rather UPCYCLING and if not then maybe recycling or at least contribute and help others who take the initiative to do so.

Hope I can recycle some of my old stored stuff too this month and post pictures soon..

So people if you guys have any OLD CD’s or WIRELESS phones (that is old phones not in use) you can drop them off at 360 Mall on Friday, 11th May 2012 and help save the environment. I know I have loads to drop….

A few pictures from RESUSE 5.0 last month, since I wasn’t carrying my Canon, I was so impressed that I just had to take a few clicks…. Enjoy it and Don’t forget to drop in your unused CD’s and cellphones… Remember every CD counts !!