Children Full of Life

Good Teachers connect theory with life. Please take the time to watch these videos for “Children Full of Life”. There are in five parts.

In this award winning documentary, Mr. Kanamori, a Japanese teacher – teaches his children how to be compassionate, determined, thankful, everything about life, most importantly “to be happy”. A very unique way to teach, approach and connect with these little souls. He encourages the the 4th graders to write and talk about their inner feelings and share it with the classroom, this helps the children to realise the importance of caring for one another. Allow your children to care for they friends – no matter if they are in the same school, class, activity, bus, building or even community.

Just like the family is a very fundamental part of the child, so are their early years in school and role the teachers play in their lives. We can shelter our children from disappointments, however we should also let them be a part of them, by sharing them, talking about them, acknowledging them. If you do not face the disappointments of life with them now, they future disappointments will be more devastating.

Some things happen only once in a lifetime, try to avail every opportunity and live the moment if the moment makes you happy and teach the same to your children… It is absolutely alright to be naughty but be nice and be safe. Kids – you can crack jokes and be funny however do not crack jokes or bully other children. Let the children share they opinion not that of they mother’s or father’s..

Part 1/5 –

Part 2/5 –

Part 3/5 –

Part 4/5 –

Part 5/5 – (very touching!!)

Remember, they are children they will complain, misbehave, argue, make stupid faces… as long as deep down their know the values of respect, bonding with they old and new mates, making efforts is all that counts.. Hope it was worth sharing the videos!!

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