Day 3 of 7 Celebrate!

Day Three – more than one reason to Celebrate today !!

I have to admit, when I started my blog a year ago on 7th March 2011, I wasn’t sure what I would do with it or if I would even have something to share and keep it going for this long, but today I can truly say “There are two mistakes one can make along the road – not going all the way and not starting ~Buddha~”.  I would like thank some of my real close people who have always made the time to stop by here and to the few subscribers that I have, who have also expressed they thoughts and opinions in a very positive way. So Happy One year Anniversary to my Blog!

Now that we have got that out of the way. Today reminds me of another quote: “In our lives there is a simple colour, as on an artist’s palatte, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the colour of love.”

So here’s wishing everyone a Loving, Colourful and Blessed Holi!

I have used the Splash Painting Technique – its one messy way to paint unless you have all your area covered nicely!! But lots of fun splashing various colours just to get the right effect.. Since it is my first time at this I used an 18” rectangle canvas with lots of Acrylic paints and a toothbrush, which is more useful for this technique than a paint brush… and (cuttings of Ek Onkar and Ganeshji are from some old weddings invitations cards lying at home and to give the ethnic look I put in the little silver piece and around it a few of my fav stick on stones..

And another reason to celebrate today is the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s DAY!

Margaret Thatcher
“If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman”.

Having said that it’s not about acting or being superior to the other gender. It is not about who can cook better, who can do the dishes first, who can earn more or even who knows how to change the diaper competently but it’s about recognizing the importance and the capabilities of the Women these days, and giving them the credit they truly deserve!!

Creativity Week – Day 1 of 7

All it takes a little willpower, a little dedication and a bit of passion to continue to do something you did or enjoyed in the past and not get distracted by the mundane routine of our so called busy lives. So I decided to make some time and commitment to myself for at least a week.

There is an old saying, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Just the act of getting started and at a glance you can tell if it was all worth your time and effort….

Well I totally think it is! I believe it’s all about overcoming the initial inertia, and then it’s much simpler to keep going. So Wish me luck and I hope I can remain Creative for the next seven days!!! {at least} 🙂

Day One – My Colourful Bird (size A4)

Show you care

Since we are 5 days away from the So Much Hyped Valentine’s Day… I came up with a few tips for the men in your lives and vice versa for the women too..

Just because it’s another occasion of togetherness and love to celebrate you don’t have to always spend so much time racking your brains and then when you haven’t come up with any ideas, you want to overdo it and hence you (WOMEN) end up spending much more… So how about you try the following:

  • Show him you care by smaller but more meaningful ways like THANK HIM for when was the last time he complimented you or listened to your decision or let you run after your goals no matter what.. Just by thanking him and appreciating him – you will see the glow in his eyes!
  • Make him feel extra special by COMPLIMENTING him on things you perhaps did and now you don’t do it anymore.. Talk about his favourite shirt, his sense of humor (not all of them have it so if he doesn’t please don’t try – you could get into trouble…) How people think he’s so charming or even better how the family looks up to him. I am sure once you do the above, he will surely feel on top of the world knowing about his good qualities.
  • Cook a home cooked meal, decorate the table – throw in a little attention and romance in the air – light the candles… the oil burners.. Soft music.. Or the perfect movie…. Do stuff you would do when you are first dating..

All this and you women are done with doing stuff for this 14th Feb..

And now for the men to show you care – it is very simple:

  • Book her a Spa treatment
  • Take her shopping
  • Book a dinner for two in a nice, cozy, warm restaurant
  • Ask her if there is anything that you can do for her… just PAMPER HER
  • Last but not the least – SURPRISE HER with a Present…. Oooops and the flowers too…

Now, why does it have to be so easy for the men the whole time…. 😉

So Everyone – Enjoy your Preparations you still have 120 hrs. to go…..until all you can see is Red!!