The Selfie Revolution

That’s right — it’s “selfie.”
If you don’t know what a selfie is, Oxford Dictionaries defines it as:
Use of selfie has probably gone up from 2013 and keeps rising among celebrities as well as normal public. In the past few months alone, arm’s-length auto-photos of Mariah Carey, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Aniston, Nick Jonas and Chris Pratt have all gone viral. And a British poll rated Rihanna the worlds best when it comes to taking the self-aimed shot.
If you want to see star selfies at a recent 56th Annual Grammy Awards go to:
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – that’s nothing!! There are new selfie social network apps for people to be able to share their faces (happy, sad), abs, tongues, duck faces, everyday moments (modeling, graduate, married, breakup), hairstyles (from brown to blonde), makeup (from pale to tan) new glasses, you name it and you can do it. And if you want to post them on Instagram the hashtag is #selfie. How original is that?
So besides, being modest or not, selfies are a big thing now and the tech world knows they are a thing, that’s why there apps developed for the sole purpose of making your selfies simpler and better for you..Whether you have an Android or an IPhone, these apps can help you with your selfie: