Alleviate your load

inner voice

It’s not easy being yourself anymore. People expect us to act a certain way, look a certain way, love a certain way, feel a certain way and how to accept and not accept certain things. Quite honestly I think all of this sucks.

And all of this is to be socially accepted. We live in a world full of mental, physical and social perfectionists, or at least they pretend to be. So we cannot be who we really are. We have to shut down our true selves.

How do you feel? Or how should you react when the following happens:

When u have to use fake smiles and fake words and control your anger?

When you want to tell everyone the truth and you cannot?

When someone you know is taking advantage of your emotions or your kindness?

When some people do not respect your personal limitations?

When people treat you as rest stops?

I personally feel like that sometimes, like a huge bulldozer has run over you and you cannot do anything about it but stand up again. And sometimes the weight is so heavy that you are unable to walk or function properly and keep carrying the pain everywhere you go.

By not saying what’s on your mind? This troubles your body and affects it in the long run. You are putting your well-being in jeopardy. You cannot completely live, breath or talk without worrying about the response from others.

We are leading these artificial lifestyles. No amount of healthy eating and exercise can make us look awesome unless it is stress free. Or else nothing we eat or do will contribute to the wellbeing of our body and shape. Regardless of the amount of money and time you spent on gyms, diets, wellbeing packages, nothing is going to change.

All this is interrelated, when we don’t fully express ourselves, we are not using our power to fulfill a certain task and in fact we are giving our power away to that person or situation. Our external self cannot look happy unless our internal self is at peace.

Coming back to “Except what it is” even if it means you have to leave that ship, boat, train… whatever it might be – stay true to yourself and make decisions for yourself, set your boundaries and do not let people no matter how close or how far they are – to walk all over them. You do not need approval from others to agree to your choices.

If we do not communicate or state what we are feeling we are not valuing our own feelings in this world. You can live according to someone else’s likes, dislikes, wants, needs but eventually you are hurting yourself both internally and externally. Be Authentic. By self-imposing so much stress on yourself you cannot build anything positive, you will actually attract the opposite of what you want. If you are happy you can survive the whole day filled with errands, activities and list of things to do. But is you are angry or sad, you just want to get under the covers, sleep and hide away.

All in all

  1. Respect your feelings, Express your desires and wants to those who deserve to know
  2. Every decision is either giving you the power or taking your power away and giving it to someone else.
  3. Stop being so hard on yourself
  4. Be honest with yourself and your loved ones
  5. Its not about having time, its about making time for what you want
  6. Start again, even if it is time consuming – you will get there somehow. It’s not fun, it’s not easy, but it might all just be worth it in the end as long as you live.

One more day to go!! Never be sorry for your feelings – Express!

What does honesty get you?


Let’s be honest about it..

  1. People will not talk to you anymore that include Co- workers, Friends or family could be anyone. Your whole network of people around you will alter.
  2. Then all your fb or blog followers think you are having a real bad day or a bad life, hence you are coming up such posts. People think you hate your life.
  3. Some people will think you are losing it. And will discuss you among themselves and I will have more friends of friends who know me but think I am crazy.
  4. You need to be honest, but people will start calling you names, like idiot, Ms. know it all, mad and so on.. Becox they think you should not talk, should not speak up, should not be aware. So people start putting your down..
  5. Some people will find you interesting cox they or the rest of the 98% didn’t say the truth, and now you are the odd one out so they what to know all what you know.
  6. Some people will actually like you for your honesty and will come back to for some real talk/ advice, they know you are not harming them but at least someone is listening to you and trying to direct you.
  7. We all have our failures and downfalls; we also have nice shiny bright days. And sometimes people who have dark times, want to see the light, the light that shines on you from where they see it and they want to be in your place, even if it is just for a moment, they want to enjoy that belief. So some people will trust you. And you might form new friendships, new relationships or new connections. Cox some people believe in you.
  8. When you are honest, you are free. You don’t have to remember anything you lied about. That way you will never be caught too.. LOL!! But we humans, we think if she/ he lied then perhaps I should too. Cox this way we are even. Are we really? Or we just get deeper into a vicious circle.

So would you have someone be honest to your face? Would you be honest no matter who it is?  Of course a lot of it depends on your relationship with that so called person. But in the end you make the choice of who and how you want to be? Whether or not someone likes you for your honesty should not be your problem.