
I am sure at some point of time we all have read and heard about Fengshui (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_shui), it is only 3000 years old. In other words, it is not rocket science at least if you wish to practice with just minor adjustments or details. What I personally love about Fengshui is that

“Feng Shui is the Taoiste Science of Harmony.
Harmony comes when the place where you live exactly
corresponds to what you want and to who you are.
Your harmony is unique because your are unique.”

I do not need to stress on the Yin and Yang or Qi or Bagua however I am just going to share a few basic tips from time to time to start off with, for the essential areas in our house:

BATHROOM – a very important place, especially first thing in the morning.
• Keep the pipes in the bathroom in good working order.
• Monthly place 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain and follow with 1 cup of vinegar. Let sit for approximately 10 minutes and flush with hot water from the tap.
• Keep the bathroom door closed at all times and the toilet seat down.
• Display bamboo and have it reflect in the mirror.
• Have good quality towels in the bathroom to show wealth and abundance. Gold towels are great for bringing this energy forth.
• Fresh flowers and plants are great for uplifting and cleansing the chi.
If there is no window in the toilet hang a mirror above the toilet.

KITCHEN – another necessary area of the house for your morning Cuppa..
• According to Sheffield Feng Shui Course instructor Marelan Toole, good kitchen design is based on a traditional triangle model, with the sink, refrigerator and range making up each point of the triangle. There should be a 6-8 foot distance between each appliance; this allows for maximum convenience and a minimum of repeated moves. Because you’ll have that space between each of the major appliances, it should be easy to adhere to the Feng Shui principle of having fire elements—such as the stove and microwave—separated from water elements—such as the refrigerator, dishwasher, and sink. They can be separated by something made of wood, or by something representative of wood, such as a plant or a painting of a plant.
• Feng Shui believes that windows should not be placed over stoves because heat represents prosperity, and you don’t want your prosperity flooding out the window.
• Plants with rounded leaves attract customers (for the restaurant business)

And today’s last tip for the entrance of your HOME SWEET HOME
• Put a pile of gold near the main door. You can use a pile of rocks painted in gold. This is especially beneficial for houses whose main doors are located in the NE or SW sector.