Overdoing it

Situations!! We all come across plenty of them, the good, the bad and the ugly.. What are the causes and did you actually want … how can you benefit from them or how can you get out of it.. The first step, the next step.. All these questions ??? Asking yourself this once or asking yourself the same thing over and over again..

How did I get myself into such a situation?

What can I do to overcome?

Do I have the choice?

Should I think about myself first?

Am I hurting anyone?

It’s ok to ask all the above and many more however you need to understand your situation first or how it is relevant to you .. If you over do it (I mean the thinking part) sometimes it drives you up the wall or you keep going loop the loop without any definite answers.. Which can lead you to depression, hatred, loneliness, resentment and unhappiness..? I believe – It will be what has to be – doesn’t mean we don’t have to look into the different aspects of our lives, just means to take a deep breath and think “Why” is it happening and “How” can you undo it or make it go away ?

Easier said than done, yeah yeah – me too! However I thought I would share this wonderful brainwave of let’s stop “Over Doing It”!

To examine is good but don’t overall dissect without a rhyme or reason. 

And have Lovely Weekend Friends – the weather is still on your side – Enjoy it! Dont over think and over plan just go out there and have fun… (Just keep in mind where to BBQ, with the new Kuwait laws you don’t want to take any chances) 😉


Most Fascinating Journey

In 1989, Gunther Holtorf and his wife Christine climbed aboard their 1988  Mercedes Benz G-Wagen to travel from Germany to Africa, where they planned to  complete a once-in-a-lifetime road trip that would last 18-months.

Except the trip didn’t last 18-months, it has lasted 23 years, spanned more  than 200 countries and the G-Wagen now has 800,000 kilometers, or 500,000 miles,  on its odometer. That’s the equivalent of 20 times around the equator.

The trio have visited everywhere from Alaska to Zimbabwe by way of North Korea,  the Sahara desert, Mount Everest and Siberia in an effort to drive around the  globe. Sadly, Gunther’s wife Christine passed away in 2010, but he has continued  to travel the world, as per her wishes.

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I am totally amazed at such people with so much determination with nil factors bothering them be it age, finance, food, living – Just WOW!! Truly an inspiration. What a incredible journey must say and i love the affectionate name given to the Mercedes Benz G-Wagen “Otto”. All this without the help of technology even the cameras he carried are very old models with reels and yet he they achieved so much.. makes me wanna give up my fb account or my mobile … def not my Cannon!!

Your Choice

A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts, choices and ideas.

So tell the negativity committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.

When you dream, you better dream big; when you think, you better think big; and when you love, you better love truthfully.

Happiness is a choice.

There are no excuses for not trying to make the very best out of your life.

There are no excuses for living in a way that consistently makes you unhappy.

Life in a Moment

Times when you stop to think wonder what I am doing, where I am, and what I should be doing or where I should be – all those moments.. to love /to be loved /making the most of your moments together /having a good time… These feelings sometimes, you wish they would just go away however hard you try they stick to you like a dreadful worm even after you wish it wouldn’t…

Yes, sometimes we all feel that way..

But that’s what makes this life so precious, so beautiful and that’s why I call it “Life in a Moment”. We all have to lose something in order to gain something else, we choose to live in the moments that fill up our soul for just that moment and we can live forever just thinking or looking back at those moments (One of the reasons I take a lot of pictures..) This way I can store them and look back at them and recall those moments… of course it could be from anything silly, fun, family, friends and lots of crazy times…

A minor thing like when I was all set for the MDNA concert, my friends encouraged me here in Kuwait to go for the MDNA show and once I was there, I didn’t feel away from home for the same reason I had so many memorable moments with all my supportive friends and family there and a brilliant week after that too and then I have friends here who wondered when will I be back in the country (all thanks to FB and What’s app) and once I am back – I am happy to be here again..

All these moments without any doubt , show me that Life is as wonderful as you make it and : “You do not need for someone to give you permission to do what will make you live more fully and healthfully.”

Hope these days of summer, that are here, be filled be lots of sunshine, lots of love, lots of happiness, new adventures, new experiences, new bondings and lots of fun for your family.

Happy Holidays 🙂

Laugh Until You Cry

Life is shorter than it often seems. Sometimes we are only given a few minutes to be with the ones we love, and hundreds of hours to spend thinking of them. Cherish the moments you have with your friends and loved ones, because in one single second they can be taken away from you forever.


Nothing lasts forever!

“Everything in life is temporary because everything changes, that’s why it takes great courage to LOVE, knowing it might END anytime, but having the FAITH that it will LAST FOREVER!

Sometimes no matter how much WE love someone,WE can not take away their pain…. each of us has a journey to travel…. all WE can do is LOVE them with DIVINE LOVE and COMPASSION and Pray for Comfort and Peace in their Heart.

Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything we possibly can because that may be the ONLY time in our life we will EVER have that experience..”


Happy 1st of May

Good  Morning Everyone ,

80% of the time we think about the past and almost 15% of the time we worry about the future. This as a result drains our energy and we are only left with 5% of the present which neither of us appreciate it nor we can enjoy it rather we just seem to forget about it.

So Pick the day. Enjoy it – to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come… The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present – and I don’t want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.

Easier said then done – but worth a try!!

Have a Dusty Sunny Day!!

Good Morning!

I don’t know who’s been slower my computer or me .. 🙂 I thought I could use some time off to restore, refresh, recharge but it’s never enough and no matter how long you take a break from one thing, it leaves you back logged on a lot of other important issues/ stuff that you should actually be focusing on – I guess it’s time to catch up..  In short, keep moving on, don’t stop, let go, it’s no one else’s loss!

Whatever it is you or me are going through – all of it, “this moment will be just another story someday”.

So don’t let the trivial things of today weigh down your tomorrow just like it did yesterday…

Very often we get so DAMN involved in OUR own destination that we overlook to value the journey especially the kindness of the people we meet on the way. To understand and to appreciate is always overwhelming. Don’t ignore or postpone anyone or anything that needs your attention unless it’s going to kill you !!!!!

Me Time Free Time

A lot of people want to have a “It’s my life and I am free” attitude. They want to change and yet they want to be themselves which means they are not really changing for the better at all, but rather as per they convenience.

“ME TIME” or “FREE TIME” these words can be very tricky in our so called free-fallen world.

We all need space and time for ourselves and that is what most of the magazines or various therapists will suggest in this modern world, they would normally recommend to give yourselves at least 10 minutes of Me Time/ Free Time on a daily basis. But I am sure we all will never be satisfied with just 10 minutes (because that is just too less) but even an hour or even a day, would it make a difference if we have it our way? Personally I think it won’t but then that’s me talking on behalf of the whole world .

What the majority of us think about as freedom is truly exploitation of freedom. There are two major issues with this attitude. First is the word “Me”. Now “Me means I” Like I said earlier the so called modern population does not have an indication of who they are but they are more influenced by the surroundings they live in and the situation they are faced with then they act according to what suits them best. What car we drive, how we live, what we wear, who we hang out with, who we want to hang out with. All of this confuses the poor “ME” and hence we become just another fallen human being which I am not saying is not normal. Just thinking out loud!!

The other tacky word is “FREE”. Again (I mention the word) in “modern” times the idea of freedom to do anything that pleases you that very moment which does not give you the license to steal or kill someone. Freedom has limitations.
It also does not mean you can act like a selfish B_ _ _ _ _ or an egotistic B __ _ _ _ _! Now that is purely my point of view. There is a huge difference in doing what fancies you at all cost or abandoning someone to pursue your so called happiness or in other words ME TIME. (I am sorry just can’t stress enough) 🙂

To sum it “It’s ok to restore yourself when you are alone but don’t destroy someone else in the meantime.”

Stressing on the fact that, that we are all not like this intentionally (a BIG maybe) we tend to be very very selfish and to hell with the world attitude doesn’t benefit us for long time but by then it’s too late to.

Most of us are slaves of our qualms and self-centeredness. And if we really want to be free we must begin with outlining freedom by our conscious mind.